OK, I've managed to get my hoster to put me back onto PHP 8.0 which did seem to clear a few issues - but it's costing me a monthly fee as it's outdated now.
So the questions are the same really, if I move my J! forward from 3.9.25 to say 3.10 (the final) will I be able to update my PHP to 8.0+?
Will Joomla even upgrade properly using PHP8.0?
I know I'm dodging the v4 and v5 bullet but I need to get the site working better before thinking about that.
So the questions are the same really, if I move my J! forward from 3.9.25 to say 3.10 (the final) will I be able to update my PHP to 8.0+?
Will Joomla even upgrade properly using PHP8.0?
I know I'm dodging the v4 and v5 bullet but I need to get the site working better before thinking about that.
Statistics: Posted by steveday35 — Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:50 pm